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Article: Happy Birthday! (One Whole Month!)

Happy Birthday! (One Whole Month!)

Happy Birthday! (One Whole Month!)

Hello everyone,

It's been a whole month since we launched White Daisy. Time flies when you're balancing toddler tantrums AND design dilemmas.....!

I want to say a genuine massive THANK YOU to everyone who's been riding this rollercoaster with us. Your unwavering support, messages of love, and occasional eye-rolls (we can't win you all!) have kept us going through the sleepless nights and the endless coffee runs. We couldn't have done it without you – seriously, we tried, and it was a hot mess (new phrase I can't stop saying....)

From our very first sale (cue the confetti cannons) to that one time we accidentally shipped a heart fleece to Antarctica (just kidding, but genuinely, there's been some VERY strict shipping procedures implemented....), it's been a wild ride, but we are having so much fun, and learning every day.

Total transparency. We've had our fair share of hiccups along the way – from typos in our product descriptions to the great revelation of learning how to fold tissue paper properly (let's just say it involved a lot of swearing), there's been times I've wondered if it was all worth it. BUT OF COURSE IT IS! I think my favourite part was my 3 year old daughter announcing from the top of her lungs (random, I promise!) to everyone at the soft play that she was wearing 'White Daisy' and everyone looking utterly confused, whilst I'm stood beaming (crying into my oat cappuccino.)

So here's to one month of chaos, creativity, and caffeine-fuelled brainstorming sessions. Here's to you, our fearless White Daisy lot, for sticking with us through thick and thin (and trust me, there's been a lot of thick).

We're just getting started, and the best is yet to come.

Lauren x

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Imposter Syndrome

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Making summer purchases last!

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