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Article: Let's talk about mistakes!

Let's talk about mistakes!

Let's talk about mistakes!


Let’s talk about something that rarely gets a spotlight in the world of small businesses: mistakes. Yes, those glorious, sometimes laughable, often cringe-worthy cock-ups that make the journey so much more interesting. Today I’m sharing one of my latest “oops!” moments (there's generally a lot, if you ask my friends!)

Last night I decided to update our landing page website photos to some cute new ones we got sent from a customer. I updated them, checked them again, signed off for the night. I didn't go back on via mobile for a full 24 hours. Imagine my horror seeing the image I've attached! That's right - customers had been visiting our store on their mobile, with a half cropped image. I was mortified! (We did still get orders through so THANK you to whoever took a leap of faith whilst thinking 'what an idiot!') There are so many more things we've got wrong -- we're a transparent clothing company so whenever something like this goes wrong, I'm going to hold my hand up and let you all know for a really good laugh at our expense!

Anyway - what else has been happening?

I'm blaming the mistake on being so distracted by finalising our new Christmas samples........seriously game. changer. You think you want adults size in the cute pink heart fleece? Just WAIT until you see some of this new collection. 

We hit 11k followers - I wake up every day and pinch myself that there's a platform of my best pals out there. I don't know all of you personally, but I feel like I do! Please continue to say hello, comment, tell me what you love, what you don't like.....! 

So, here’s to the mistakes, the blunders, the exciting new samples, and YOU. Forever grateful for this adventure we're just rolling with!


Lauren x

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Making summer purchases last!

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